About Dagelijks Leren (in English)

Teachers can learn from each other every day. Dagelijks Leren coaches co-teachers and encourages co-operation between teachers.

Dagelijks Leren = Daily Learning


My name is Lisa and I’m a teacher and co-teacher. A few years ago, my colleagues and I have decided to jump in the deep end and completely change our way of teaching. Because we had no other option. Our students were losing their motivation and we couldn’t keep up with the differences in our classroom.

Our didactical approach implies preparing the classes in a team of four teachers, each of us with our own know-how and competences. We are always in pairs of two teachers in a classroom. We look for links between the courses, win time and energy to have a more profound contact with our students and adjust our instructions and feedback to the level of each student.

Since 2019, I coach schools and teachers who want to experiment with this kind of education as well.

In addition to that, I want to be part of a movement where teachers learn form each other, not only from educations experts. It would be great to create boundless co-operation between teachers from different schools, systems and even countries.

  • to speak on a conference
  • for a workshop in your school
  • if you want to visite our school